Support us

/Support us

We value your support and partnership in building a just, peaceful and equitable Sri Lanka


NTT invites you to join the Friends of Neelan TIruchelvam Trust (FONTT) Giving Circle, and to contribute to strengthening individual and organizational capacities of communities, and community based organizations, as we believe they are pivotal actors in developing resilience and self-sustainability, and creating long-term change.

All contributions will be exclusively used for our programmes that enable women, youth and marginalized/vulnerable communities and people to be active members of society. A community-centred focus pervades all NTT’s programmes and initiatives, based on decisions and priorities determined by the beneficiaries.

You may make a general contribution to our programmes or decide to support a specific initiative (women, people with disabilities, youth, vulnerable communities (plantation workers, migrant workers) or marginalized communities (across Sri Lanka) or programme area (women’s rights, livelihood support, good governance, institutional strengthening, arts and culture, diversity and pluralism).


We share Neelan Tiruchelvam’s vision for a just, equitable and peaceful Sri Lanka. Would you like to help us make this vision a reality?

If you are a CBO or NGO working in the field and have innovative projects for peace, human rights or reconciliation we would like to hear from you – Contact Us

If you are a business or other organization wanting to work with the trust to make a tangible contribution towards sustainable peace in Sri Lanka, either through funding or other aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility, then please get in touch with us to discuss the possibilities further – Contact Us

If you want to help fund the work of the trust, then you can give a donation. Click here to donate now  or contact us for further details on how you can partner us

If you have some spare time and would like to get involved by volunteering; wherever you are in the world you can help with fundraising and awareness raising, please get in contact

Get informed, read some of the many texts available on peace and non-violence available through our Articles