Promotion of democracy, good governance and institution building

//Promotion of democracy, good governance and institution building

Promotion of democracy, good governance and institution building

Within the state good governance signifies adherence to processes and rules that enable all citizens to participate in the democratic process, whether directly or through their elected representatives. Similarly in the non-profit sector, we believe that good governance is achieved when organizations adopt transparent procedures to manage its human resources, activities and finances.

NTT supports any effort that promotes democracy, and the inclusion of all communities, individuals and groups in the democratic process. Going beyond the strict confines of grant making, the Trust supports initiatives related to institution building for CBOs, NGOs and CSOs. Capacity building, technical assistance, provision of seed or core funding to support new and emerging organizations that are doing innovative work in all areas related to our own programme areas are supported in order to ensure that the right systems are in place for organizations to carry out their activities.